How We Review Products

At, we don’t just review archery products; we also provide helpful tips and the latest news about archery.

Our team is made up of experienced archers who use their skills and knowledge to test and review each product.

Here’s how we make sure our reviews are thorough and trustworthy:

Why Trust

We’ve been passionate about archery for years, sharing everything we know with our readers. Our team includes seasoned archers who use their expertise to help grow the sport and educate others.

Our Testing Process

Gathering Gear: We start by listing all the archery gear our team uses throughout the year, including recurve bows, compound bows, arrows, and more. We categorize them, like “Best Recurve Bows” or “Best Archery Targets.”

Reader Input: We reach out to our readers and ask about their favorite archery gear. We always look out for the latest archery stuff to test.

Acquiring New Gear: We either buy or borrow new products or ask manufacturers to send them for testing. We compare these with our daily-use gear.

Field Testing: Our team members test each item in real archery conditions. For example, they check how a recurve bow handles, how arrows fly, and so much more.

Editor’s Review: After the tests, our managing editor double-checks the results. He makes sure our findings are accurate and fair.

Our Review Criteria

Performance: How well does the gear work? Does a recurve bow shoot accurately? Is the gear reliable?

Comfort and Ease of Use: Is the bow easy to hold? Are the archery accessories comfortable to use?

Durability: We check if the gear can last through lots of use.

Value: We compare the quality of the product with its price.

Sharing Our Findings

We’re unbiased in our reviews. We give you the real scoop in our reviews: what works well and what needs improvement. We list the best products in each category, like “Best Overall Recurve Bow” or “Best Value Archery Gloves.”

In our reviews, we explain the pros and cons of each item, so you know exactly why we recommend it or not.

Why Our Reviews Matter

We do all this because we want you to have the best archery experience. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, our reviews are here to help you find the best gear for your needs.

So, when you read a review on, you can be sure it’s from real archers who know what they’re talking about.

Our goal is to help you be awesome in archery, hitting your target every time!